Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Elijah and The Widow : Sermon Notes

A problem is a mismatch of what you have/lack and what you want/need


"There is no greater agony, than holding an untold story inside you"-Maya Angelou

Reap What You Sow

You don't get what you wish for, by what you prepare for.

Based on you're doing today how are you preparing:
  • Spiritually?
  • Health wise?
  • Financially?
"Its not that happy people are thankful by that thankful people are happy"

"Anything done occasionally will produce temporary results"

Today's tests prepare you for tomorrow's victory

 You are not what happened to you, You are what you choose to become

Before you implement any plan ask:
-Before I carry out in the Light of my past situation what is the wise thing to do?
-In Light of my present/future what is the wise thing to do?

"A seed is a leftover for A startover"
"A seed is pregnant but doesn't show"

Whats about to die in my life that I need to set a seed for"


"The only true failure, lies in the failure to start"-Henry Blake Walter
"Challenges make life interesting, Overcoming them makes them Meaningful'

Time Doesn't stop, Neither should You
Time always moves right
Time never goes back to the past

We shouldn't count down we should be counting up

Out future isn't determined by what we intend to sow buw what we truly sow.

Some people spend their time looking at the next two years and not enough time on the next ten years.

We should always stay thankful, remembering that no matter our situation it could always be worse.

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